
Think you might have an eating or feeding disorder?

Take one of the quizzes below

Do you have arfid or
rumination syndrome?

ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) is also known as “extreme picky eating” where people avoid or restrict foods for reasons other than weight loss or body image concerns. This includes: texture/sensory issues with food, fear of choking or throwing up, fear of new/unfamiliar foods, or low appetite that is not explained by a medical condition.

Rumination Syndrome, also known as Rumination Disorder, is when food is regurgitated during or after eating. The food is either rechewed, reswallowed, or spit out. Regurgitation can happen spontaneously or voluntarily (often linked to anxiety/stress).

Quiz - Do you have an
eating disorder?

Answer the following 37 questions about how you feel and the behaviors you have done over the past 30-90 days.

This quiz willl be available shortly. Please check back.